Welcome to our Light Tech Think Tank on Home Harmonization based on the Science of Biogeometry.
Harmonious & healthier living using the principles and tools of Biogeometry – a technology based on ancient wisdom from Egypt and backed by modern science.
How does Biogeometry balance the energy quality of our lives, our environment and our technology devices? How can we harmonize our homes against harmful EMF? What are the true effects of the earth gridlines on the environment and how can they be mitigated? Learn more about Biogeometry’s energy balancing solutions to transmute harmful EMF and even impacts of geopathic stress such as earth energy gridlines.
12 p.m. PST / 12 p.m. MST / 3 p.m. EST on WEDNESDAY, June 22nd, 2022.
Ryan Scherzinger has been a consultant in commercial & residential real estate for over 22 years. While in Egypt in 2020, he toured and experienced 21 sites; including temples and power spots and he spent 4+ hours in the Great Pyramid on private tours. He is passionate about inspiring others to achieve their highest potential through his spiritual focus and leadership background. His specialty training from BioGeometry™ LTD, for Home Harmonization, allows him to assist in the installation of the BioGeometry™ Home Kit in personal residences aiding in the harmonization of electromagnetic frequencies and geopathic stress. He is also the organizer of the upcoming summit Discover Your Chief Transformation Officer [You] with 21 global experts.
Visit: https://archetypallife.com/ and https://ctoyou.live/ for more information and to receive Ryan’s free e-book with 5 Simple Ways to Harmonize You and Your Home.
For the Webinar link or to receive the recording, contact us through our website's CONTACT page or RSVP by email: info@katzenbachinstitute.com
This event is organized with much love by the Katzenbach Institute and the Center for Healing Alternatives.
Katzenbach Institute (KI): Leading for a Bright Future by building Conscious Businesses and a World that Works for All through People, Processes, and benevolent (Light) Technologies!
Center for Healing Alternatives (CHA): Healing from the Future which uses sound, light & vibration (frequency devices up to 100,000 Hz, infrared chambers and beds, cold lasers, tachyon particle fields, Core Resonance, neuro-feedback and much more).
If you would like to learn about, support or contribute to the potential of Light Tech, mark your calendar for the 22nd of each month to join our Light Tech Think Tank events.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
